New Slips version 0.8.5 is here!

Our team is excited to share the latest news and features of Slips, our behavioral-based machine learning intrusion detection system. 

Quick links:

What We Are Particularly Excited About

In this release we are particularly excited about these new Slips capabilities:

  • Detect young domains that was registered less than 60 days ago.

  • Detect bad SMTP logins

  • Detect SMTP bruteforce

  • Detect DNS ARPA scans

  • Update our list of ports used by specific organizations to minimize false positive 'unknown destination port' alerts

  • Add support for Russia-Ukraine IoCs

  • Detect incompatible user agents by comparing mac vendors with user agents found in http traffic.

  • Detect the use of multiple user agents, for example Linux UA, then Apple UA, then MAC UA.

More new features

We are constantly improving Slips, and a full list of changes in this last version is available in the Slips changelog. These are some of the new cool features that we have been working on:

  • The default time to wait to alert on DNS without resolution now is 30 mins

  • The time to wait for DNS without resolution now works in interface capture mode and in reading any file

  • detect ICMP timestamp scan, Address scan and address mask scan

  • Support deleting of large log files (arp.log) in case the user doesn't want a copy of the log files after slips is done

  • Update our offline MAC vendor database and add support for getting unknown vendors from an online database

  • Added a zeek script to recognize DoH flows for more real-time experience while using slips

  • Change the structure of slips files by splitting large modules into smaller files.

  • Reduce false positives by disabling 'connections without DNS' to a well known org

  • Update the list of our special organization ports

  • Document all the internet connections made by slips

  • Add errors.log to output/ dir to log errors encountered by slips.

  • Fix

  • Fix 'multiple reconnection attemps' alerts

  • Fix FP Multiple reconnection attempts

Check Our Slips Demo 

Get a quick overview of what Slips is about and all its capabilities in this demo presented at the LCN conference in 2021.

And the analysis of several malicious PCAPs using Slips: 

Get in Touch

Feel free to join our Discord server and ask questions, suggest new features or give us feedback. PRs and Issues are welcomed in our repo.