Czech Technical University in Prague’s "Introduction to Security" Class is now a Free Online Course!

We are thrilled to announce that, for the first time, the Czech Technical University in Prague is offering the "Introduction to Security" course as a Massive Open Online Course! This groundbreaking 14-week program starts this September 2024 and is designed to immerse you in the world of cybersecurity, completely free of charge. The popular course has been running for over 7 years and has equipped 400+ students with real-world cybersecurity skills. Join the community this semester!

Intense, Hands-on, Practical, Free

In this intense, hands-on practical course, you'll dive into the world of penetration testing. You will learn how to exploit vulnerabilities and execute web attacks. But that's not all—these practical classes also empower you with the skills to defend against these very threats. You’ll master techniques in system hardening, monitoring, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), and even the use of Artificial Intelligence in cybersecurity.

Whether you're looking to boost your career in IT security or simply passionate about protecting digital spaces, this course is your gateway to becoming a cybersecurity expert. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to learn from passionate university lecturers in the comfort of your own home.

Local Cyber Range

The class offers a Cyber Range that students can download locally. With Dockers and WebSSH students can use a local LLM to assist them in learning how to hack.

Passionate Teachers with Diverse Backgrounds

The course is taught by a diverse group of international researchers, security professionals, and alumni, bringing their own vast industry experience into each class. Students can learn from the varied experiences of our teachers' diverse backgrounds, who bring their insights from Argentina, Greece, Czechia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Passionate, practical, and life-long learners teachers – you are in for a treat in this class.

Two Modalities

The course is taught in two modalities. Online for everyone in the world and in-person for CTU students (with codes B4M36BSY & BE4M36BSY).  For more details, requirements, and how to register, visit our website. Get ready to defend the future!

What our students are saying

More than 400 students have finished our Introduction to Security class in the last eight years. Students’ feedback help us continuously improve from class to class.

Easily one of the best subjects I’ve studied at FEE

"Nice class offering a lot of hands-on experience and fun assignments. Easily one of the best subjects I’ve studied at FEE." - OI MSc Cybersecurity

The most well-prepared course I've taken so far

This was undoubtedly the most well-prepared course I've taken so far, including through my bachelor's degree.

The classes were highly practical, with almost every concept being not only taught but also demonstrated. Ensuring that everyone had the opportunity to replicate the learning experience was a priority.