Our team is excited to share the latest news and features of Slips, our behavioral-based machine learning intrusion detection system.
Quick links:
Download Slips from our GitHub repository: https://github.com/stratosphereips/StratosphereLinuxIPS
Access Slips documentation through Read the Docs: https://stratospherelinuxips.readthedocs.io/en/develop/
What We Are Particularly Excited About
In this release we are particularly excited about these new Slips features:
- Add global P2P support. Thanks to @d-strat
- Add new "GRE tunnel scan" detections.
- Add the option to enable/disable local and online whitelists from slips.yaml.
- Fix false positive "Connection to a private IP outside of local network" detection. Slips now doesn't alert on DNS servers outside of local network.
- Fix false positive "Connection to a private IP" detection when the connection is DHCP.
- Fix false positive "Device changing IP" detection alerting about special IPs.
- Fix false positive "Invalid DNS answer" detection alerting about .arpa domains.
- Fix false positive "non-HTTP established connection on port 80".
- Fix false positive "non-SSL established connection on port 443".
- Improve "Connection to unknown port" detections. Now the threat level depends on the flow state.
- Improve "DNS without connection" evidence. Slips now only detects when the query type is A or AAAA.
- Improve the description of malicious flow by MLflowdetection module.
- Improve the detections of the MLflowdetection module.
- Improve the existing "GRE tunnel" detections.
- Improve whitelists: Slips is now whitelisting CNAME, SNI, related queries, and DNS resolutions of attackers and victims.
Check the full list of changes in our release page: https://github.com/stratosphereips/StratosphereLinuxIPS/releases/tag/v1.1.7
Learn more!
Wondering what Slips is capable of? Check out these demo presentations:
LCN conference in 2021: https://youtu.be/1KqwlxVuf48
BlackHat USA Arsenal 2022: https://youtu.be/dJuTmi2bJcI
How to contribute
For those interested in contributing to Slips:
Get in Touch
Feel free to join our Discord server and ask questions, suggest new features or give us feedback. PRs and Issues are welcomed in our repo.