First Workshop on Attackers and Cyber-Crime Operations (WACCO) 2019

On June 20th will take place in Stockholm the First Workshop on Attackers and Cyber-Crime Operations (WACCO) as part of the IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroSP). WACCO is a great initiative that provides the opportunity for research, discussions, and sharing on cyber-criminal activities.

On this first edition, our researchers Sebastian Garcia, Maria José Erquiaga, Anna Shirokova, and Carlos Garcia Garino will be presenting a poster session on “Geost: Operational Security Failures of a New Android Banking Threat”. In this session they will talk about how they found a new Android banking botnet from operational security mistakes of their authors, they will provide an overview overview of the botnet operation, analyses the victims, and the study the relationships with the discovered groups of developers.

Additionally, our researchers Veronica Valeros, Maria Rigaki, and Sebastian Garcia will present a paper on “Machete: Dissecting the Operations of a Cyber Espionage Group in Latin America”. In their paper they present an extensive work tracking more than six years of operations of a Latin American APT, a threat that is active still today. They will bring up the discussion on how APT operations in Latin America are heavily under researched and potentially underestimated.

The accepted papers will be presented in three different sessions:

  • Session 1: Cybercrime Measurements

  • Session 2: Cybercrime operations

  • Session 3: Offenders and their ecosystem

The research to be presented in this first edition of WACCO seems very attractive, and we look forward to join the discussions! The full program and registration instructions are accessible at

Paper sessions at WACCO are organized by topics: cybercrime measurements, cybercrime operations, and offenders and their ecosystem.

Paper sessions at WACCO are organized by topics: cybercrime measurements, cybercrime operations, and offenders and their ecosystem.

Update on 2019-06-24

The WACCO workshop took place last week and it was a great experience. Here are some pictures of the event:

Sebastian Garcia, Anna Shirokova, and Maria Jose Erquiaga presenting their poster on “Geost: Operational Security Failures of a New Android Banking Threat”.

Sebastian Garcia, Anna Shirokova, and Maria Jose Erquiaga presenting their poster on “Geost: Operational Security Failures of a New Android Banking Threat”.

Veronica Valeros presenting the paper “Machete: Dissecting the Operations of a Cyber Espionage Group in Latin America”.

Veronica Valeros presenting the paper “Machete: Dissecting the Operations of a Cyber Espionage Group in Latin America”.