
"LLM in the Shell: Generative Honeypots" to be presented at ESORICS 2023 Poster Session

"LLM in the Shell: Generative Honeypots" to be presented at ESORICS 2023 Poster Session

We are happy to announce that our researcher, Muris Sladić, will present our latest research, “LLM in the Shell: Generative Honeypots”, at the upcoming ESORICS conference poster session in The Hague, Netherlands, on Monday, September 25, 2023. Whether you plan to attend the conference or want to learn more about this research, check out our paper. Our research proposes a novel use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for dynamic on-the-fly creation and generation of more engaging honeypot environments.

The Attacking Active Directory Game - Can you outsmart the Machine Learning model? Help us by playing the evasion game!

The Attacking Active Directory Game - Can you outsmart the Machine Learning model? Help us by playing the evasion game!

The “Attacking Active Directory Game” is part of a project where our researcher Ondrej Lukas developed a way to create fake Active Directory (AD) users as honey-tokens to detect attacks. His machine learning model was trained in real AD structures and can create a complete new fake user that is strategically placed in the structure of a company.

Installing T-Pot Honeypot Framework in the Cloud

Installing T-Pot Honeypot Framework in the Cloud

In this short blog we will describe how to install the T-Pot honeypot framework [1] in a cloud server instance. In this occasion, we chose the cloud provider Digital Ocean [2], which offers a variety of cloud instances or droplets in eight different regions. This blog is divided in three parts: (i) how to create a new Digital Ocean instance, (ii) how to install T-Pot on it, and (iii) a walkthrough to some of the pre-built Kibana T-Pot dashboards.

Project Ludus - Smart Honeypot Manager for Collaborative Defense

Project Ludus - Smart Honeypot Manager for Collaborative Defense

In this blogpost we introduce our tool which uses honeypots as a defense mechanism based on the game theoretical model of behavior of the attackers. Ludus fully automates honeypot deployment and management and visualize results in the level of individual routers. [Read more]

IoT Honeypot Traffic Analysis Series. Analysis of Edimax IC-7113W, part 4

IoT Honeypot Traffic Analysis Series. Analysis of Edimax IC-7113W, part 4

In this IoT Honeypot Analysis Series, we focus on the traffic analysis of the Edimax IC-7113W camera. In this episode, we will continue with the analysis of the encrypted packets mentioned in the previous episode. Our goals for this blog post are:

  • to obtain the AES key from the Edimax server

  • to understand what happens with the communication after we obtain the AES key

  • to get a plaintext of the encrypted payload sent from the camera to the server