
White Paper: Current State of IPv6 Security in IoT

White Paper: Current State of IPv6 Security in IoT

This white paper explores what is the current state of IPv6 security in IoT, what is the global growth of IPv6 and how does this growth look like in a real network. If IPv6 is already being used, are attackers already attacking using this protocol? Is there already malware capable of attacking on IPv6? Read through as we aim to answer these questions.

CVE search tool

CVEs, or Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, are IDs used to reference know vulnerabilities. These provide a description and public information provided by the parties involved in the disclosure of the vulnerability or exposure and are often used by researchers to act upon the disclosed information. While working on collecting information about specific CVEs in a simple form we came up with an small piece of code that will make that work much simpler and fast.

Project Ludus - Smart Honeypot Manager for Collaborative Defense

Project Ludus - Smart Honeypot Manager for Collaborative Defense

In this blogpost we introduce our tool which uses honeypots as a defense mechanism based on the game theoretical model of behavior of the attackers. Ludus fully automates honeypot deployment and management and visualize results in the level of individual routers. [Read more]

IoT Malware Analysis Series. An IoT malware dropper with custom C&C channel exploiting HNAP

IoT Malware Analysis Series. An IoT malware dropper with custom C&C channel exploiting HNAP

On February 28th, 2019 we infected one of our devices with the malware sample that most AV detect as Mirai. However, it was a bash script downloader that obtains and exacute an ARM ELF binary to attack others using the HNAP vulnerability in order to infect new bots.